A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending Port City Java’s monthly public roastery tour. I wasn’t sure what to expect but, as a person who loves coffee with a deep, abiding passion, I felt it was my duty to discover how a perfect up of PCJ is created. After a 90-minute crash course in coffee roasting, brewing, and tasting, I left the tour caffeinated, educated, and more in love with coffee than...
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Our Daylight Saving Time Survival Guide
By Steve Schnitzler
How are you feeling this morning? Sleepy? Groggy? Homicidal? If that sounds right, you’re not alone. It is, after all, the Monday after Daylight Saving Time. A whole hour of our lives is missing and for most of us, the adjustment period is brutal at best. Sure, springing the clocks forward an hour isn’t so bad over the weekend, when there’s plenty of time to ease into the day. But on Monday morning,...
Brazil Fazenda Reserve Coffee at Port City Java
By Steve Schnitzler
Beginning this week, Port City Java will be introducing a Brazil Fazenda Santa Lucia Reserve coffee in our cafes throughout Wilmington, Charlotte, NC and Greenville, SC. Our Director of Roasting, Scott McLean, sourced this coffee on his most recent trip to Brazil last August. Scott was able to visit seven farms and sample over 150 different coffees from the Carmo de Minas region over the course of four days....
Make Port City Java Coffee at Home with these Brewing Methods!
By Steve Schnitzler
If you’re anywhere in Southeastern North Carolina, you probably aren’t far from a Port City Java. Between our comfortable cafés, convenient drive-thru windows, and friendly baristas, making a trip to your favorite PCJ is a treat in and of itself. Sometimes, however, your morning coffee is best served at home. It’s cold and SNOWY, or you’re having breakfast-in-bed, or you’re busy battening...
Celebrate National Chocolate Cake Day… With Coffee!
By Steve Schnitzler
Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is gone, and Christmas is SO last year. We’ve officially entered the long, slow crawl toward spring with no holidays to break up the monotony. Sure, there’s Valentine’s Day, but what if you’re single? We’re talking about equal opportunity holidays here, and in that case Valentine’s Day just doesn’t cut it. Luckily, there’s an easy and...